"Stephen King and Dan Brown move over!!
A shocking but heartfelt thriller.
A wake-up call! Controversy at its best.
A film in the making...”
The Shock Factor
--LA Talk Live Radio
Violations of these rules will get your IP banned
A) You must be 18 to CHAT with the characters of the book. Although a fictional character, Antonio Florentino, who ranges in age from 6-17 in the book, is NOT permitted in the ACCIC session. His adult alter ego, Father Antonio Florentino is permitted to interact with readers and fans. There is absolutely no reason that a juvenile or child should be in session discussing this book with adults (fictional or real).
B) You must announce your age upon entering the interactive session and during any subsequent conversation by displaying your age at the start of a sentence to the fictional character who you want to converse with. Please review the below example with Mike.
C) Example question- mke123 (21) So Diane, how did you loose your hearing as a child?
Example answer- LUKE1124DIANE - Well, when I was little girl growing up, I was sort of a tomboy. I picked up a poisonous spider on a dare and I was bitten. I had a severe reaction, my brain swelled, and I lost ninety percent of my hearing. But I can read lips excellent and hear a little too.
*Note. LUKE1124FREDDY - means you are now conversing with the author.
D) Be mindful of your language and communication. No bickering, arguing or using foul language among chatterers. Doing so will get you ignored and IP banned.
E) The only exception to rule number 4 is with Jonathan (as expected). Although he has agreed to the terms, he cannot be expected to fully comply with all of the rules. DO NOT engage in like conduct with him. It will get you IP banned. If he says too much, then please leave and wait for a more polite character, like BOBO.
F) Most of the time Jonathan will appear nice, even charming and kind. Sometimes you may even feel he is your friend. It is a PLOY. He is not your friend (read about what happened to the kind guard in Chapter 6).
G) Please use ACCIC as an opportunity to get inside the lives of the characters and learn what you did not know about them in the book.
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